Please read this carefully. Here, you will find the Ticket Purchase Policy, the Risks and Regulations Disclaimer, the Privacy/GDPR Policy, and the Cookie Policy.

Ticket Sales
Purchase is subject to ticket availability and approval by your credit card company.
When buying on our website, your purchase may be subject to analysis and approval by our security department, which may request documents to prove your registration to complete your order.

Access to the Park
The Itatiaia National Park is open at the following times:
Lower Sector: Tuesdays to Sundays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Upper Sector: Daily from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Visconde de Mauá Sector: Daily from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The purchased ticket can be used within 90 days of the scheduled park visit.
You can print out your ticket and add it to virtual wallets on your cell phone before entering the park.

Half-price tickets
The decree 8537/2015, regulating law no. 12.933, of December 26, 2013, provides half-price
admission to artistic, cultural, and sporting events. Click here to access the document.

Students – Federal Law 12.852 (Youth Statute) and 12.933/2013
Please note: Payment receipts from educational institutions will not be accepted as proof of
enrollment in said institutions. Half-price tickets are available to students from public or
private kindergarten, primary, secondary, higher education, post-graduation, supplementary,
pre-vestibular, and professional technical education institutions. For purchase, collection, and
access to the park, it is compulsory to present the National Student Identification Card (CIE)
within the expiration date for the academic year and the original identity document (RG), or a
certified copy.

Young people aged 15 to 29 from low-income families – Federal Law 12.933/2013
Young people between the ages of 15 and 29 who are registered with the Federal
Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CADÚNICO),
whose monthly income is up to 02 (two) minimum wages. For purchase, collection, and access
to the park, you must present your CADÚNICO ID (Bolsa Familia), original Identity Document
(RG), or a certified copy.

PNE – People with Special Needs – Federal Law 12.933/2013
People with special needs and their companions are entitled to half-price tickets when
necessary. For purchase, collection, and access to the park, it is compulsory to present the PNE
document, a medical report, the original identity document (RG), or a certified copy.

Adults aged 60 or over – Federal Law 10.741/2003
They are entitled to half-price tickets. For purchase, collection, and access to the park, it is
compulsory to present the original identity document (RG) or a certified copy. The right to half-
price tickets is not cumulative with discounts from other promotions, unless expressly stated in
the promotion’s regulations. If documents proving entitlement to half-price are not presented
at the entrance to the park, access to the park will be denied, making it impossible to use the
ticket. In this case, no money will be refunded. Once the purchase has been completed, it will
not be possible to change from half-price to full-price or from full-price to half-price. If you
need to change, cancel your purchase under the process and rules set out in these Terms of
Purchase, and then re-purchase your ticket(s).
Free/exempt tickets can only be redeemed and issued at the ticket office, and documents
proving entitlement to the benefit will be needed when entering the park.
Cancellation of Purchase
The ticket purchased may be used up to 90 days after the scheduled park visit. However,
please contact the Service Center if you need to cancel an order.
Please note that the cancellation is only effective once the customer has completed this
procedure via the Customer Service Center. Reimbursement requests sent by e-mail or
through Customer Service will not be processed.
Rules for canceling purchases

  1. Cancellations must be made through the same channel as the purchase. No charges or fees
    will apply;
  2. Cancellations must be made before the visit;
  3. Cancellation must be requested no later than 07 (seven) days after the date of purchase and
    no later than 24 hours before the date and time of the scheduled visit;
  4. In the event of a no-show, the ticket price will not be refunded;
  5. Only one cancellation is allowed per day and purchase;
  6. Cancellations will not be processed if the ticket has already been used to gain access to the
  7. The ticket will automatically become available for sale once the cancellation has been
  8. Once bought and printed, the ticket is the consumer’s sole responsibility, and no refunds or
    reprints are possible in the event of lost, stolen, or damaged tickets;
  9. The refund of the face value of the ticket will be made on the website via a specific link,
    which, after confirming its authenticity, will request the refund by the credit card company.

The refund on the card will follow the rules of each issuing bank and may be credited to the
next invoice, depending on the invoice date.

I acknowledge and agree that:
— Natural areas present risks such as sudden river floods due to rain (known as “cabeça
d’água” in Portuguese), thermal shock, drowning, loose or slippery stones, poisonous animals,
and others, and I am ultimately responsible for my safety.
— I must stay on the established trails and not take shortcuts.
— I must be prepared for adversity in an accident/incident.
— I am physically and mentally fit enough to hike the entire trail on both the outward and
return journeys.
Departure from the park is by 5 p.m. in the lower part and by 6 p.m. in the upper and Mauá
It is forbidden:
— entering or exiting the park through any entrance other than the gate;
— The presence of domestic animals (pets);
— Causing noise, shouting, or making noises that could disturb the local fauna;
— Lighting any bonfire;
— Throwing garbage of any kind on the trails. All waste, including toilet paper, must be
collected and brought back;
— Carrying weapons, including slingshots, traps, machetes, scythes, and the like;
— Collecting rocks, plants, flowers, and seeds;
— Engraving names, dates, or signs on stones, trees, buildings, plaques, or other park
— Using shortcuts or prohibited areas;
— Fishing, hunting, capturing, harassing, or chasing wild animals;
— Smoking cigarettes of any kind;
— Consuming alcoholic beverages or any other substances considered narcotics inside the

    OF ARTICLE 90 OF DECREE 6.514 OF JULY 22, 2008.
    Information on visiting the park is provided on banners, signs, and maps at the visitor centers.
    In addition, staff are always available to answer any questions you may have.
    ATTENTION: No emergency service in the park exists, so do not take any chances! Call the
    Mobile Emergency Service SAMU 192 or the Fire Brigade – 193 in case of an accident.

1 – General Information
The Privacy Policy of Parquetur, a trademark of PARQUETUR PARTICIPAÇÕES S.A. under
number 23.821.886/0001-30, applicable to the website and the
following websites under its responsibility,,,,, and, contains information on how
we process, in whole or in part, whether automatically or not, the personal data of users who
access our website. Its purpose is to clarify for interested parties the types of data collected,
the reasons for their collection, and how the user can update, manage, or delete this
This Privacy Policy has been set up under Federal Law No. 12,965 of April 23, 2014 (Marco Civil
da Internet), Federal Law No. 13,709 of August 14, 2018 (Law for the Protection of Personal
Data – LGPD), and EU Regulation No. 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (European General Data
Protection Regulation – GDPR).
This Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect changes in the regulations. Users are encouraged
to review this document periodically.
The commitments outlined in this Privacy Policy will also be addressed, as applicable, in the
rules and procedures of conduct, ethics, governance, business continuity, and contracts with
service providers and suppliers to create an environment of full compliance with the
commitment to the LGPD adopted by Parquetur in this Privacy Policy.
2 – User rights
The Website undertakes to follow the provisions of the LGPD and the GDPR concerning the
following principles:
The User’s data will be processed lawfully, fairly and transparently (lawfulness, fairness, and
Your data will only be collected for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, as detailed in
section 4.3 below, and may not be further processed in a manner incompatible with those
purposes (purpose limitation);
The User’s data will be collected in a way that is adequate, relevant, and limited to the needs
of the purpose for which it is processed (data minimization);
The User’s data will be kept correct and updated by the User whenever the User deems it
necessary so that inaccurate data can be removed or rectified by the User or at the User’s
express request whenever the User deems it necessary (accuracy);

The User’s data will be stored in a way that allows the identification of the data subjects for no
longer than is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed (storage limitation), as
detailed in section 4.3 below;
The User’s data will be processed securely, protected against unauthorized or unlawful
processing and against accidental loss, destruction, or damage, by adopting proper technical or
organizational measures (integrity and confidentiality);
The website user has the following rights under the Personal Data Protection Act and the
Right of confirmation and Access: this is the User’s right to obtain from the Website a
statement whether personal data concerning the User is being processed and, if the latter is
the case, the right to access the personal data concerning the User;
Right of rectification: the User’s right to obtain from the Website, without undue delay, the
rectification of inaccurate personal data concerning the User;
Right to erasure of data (right to be forgotten): the user’s right to have the data erased from
the Website, with the data retention authorized for the legal purposes described in art. 16 of
the LGPD;
Right to restrict the processing of personal data: this is the right of the User to restrict the
processing of personal data, which the User may exercise if the accuracy of the data is
contested, if the processing is unlawful, if the Website no longer needs the data for the
purposes intended and if the User has objected to the processing of the data, and in the event
of unnecessary processing;
Right to object: this is the user’s right to object at any time on grounds relating to their
particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning them, and to object to the
use of their data for profiling purposes;
Right to data portability: this is the right of the User to retrieve the personal data concerning
the User that the User has provided to the Site in a structured, commonly used, and machine-
readable format and to send this data to another site;
The right not to be subject to automated decisions: this is the right of the User not to be
subject to any decision taken solely based on automated processing, including profiling, which
produces effects in the User’s legal sphere or significantly affects the User in a similar manner.
Users can exercise their rights by sending a written communication to the person responsible
for Parquetur with the subject “Privacy Policy – (website URL)”, specifying:
Full name or company name, CPF number (Individual Taxpayer’s Register, of the Brazilian
Federal Tax Service) or CNPJ number (National Register of Legal Entities, of the Brazilian
Federal Tax Service) and e-mail address of the user and, if applicable, the User’s

The right you wish to exercise on the Website;
The date of the request and the signature of the User;
Any document that can support or justify the exercise of your right.
The request should be sent to the following e-mail address: or by

Rua Conceição, 233 – sala 310
Centro – Campinas
The User will be informed in case of rectification or deletion of their data.
3 – Duty not to provide third-party data
During your use of the Site, in respect and protection of the rights of third parties, you may
only provide third-party data if you have been expressly authorized to do so by them through
their privacy policies, always under this Privacy Policy and Parquetur’s Terms of Use.
4 – Information collected
The collection of the User’s data is subject to the provisions of this Privacy Policy and to the
User’s consent, which is needed only in the cases provided for by art. 11, point II, of the
Personal Data Protection Code.
4.1 Types of data collected
4.1.1 User identification data for registration purposes
The use of certain functionalities of the Website by the User may be subject to registration, in
which event the following user data, among others, will be collected and stored:
Date of birth;
E-mail address;
Postal address;
Telephone number;
CPF number;
CNPJ number.
4.1.2 Data submitted on the contact form or chat and on the brand’s social media, data on
potential suppliers and potential associates
Any data supplied by the user using the contact form, support call system, chat, surveys, e-
mails, and suchlike, made available on Parquetur’s Website, services, and system, including the
content of the message sent, will be collected and stored.
4.1.3 Data related to the execution of contracts signed with the User

To fulfill any purchase, sale, or service contract established between the Site and the User,
other data related to or necessary for its fulfillment may be collected and stored, including the
purchase history and the content of any communications with the User.
4.1.4 Access records
Following the provisions of art. 15, caput and paragraphs of Federal Law no. 12.965/2014
(Marco Civil da Internet), the User’s access logs are collected and stored for at least six

4.1.4 Newsletter
The e-mail address registered by the User who chooses to subscribe to our Newsletter will be
collected and stored until the User requests to unsubscribe.
4.1.5 Sensitive data
Sensitive user data, as defined in Articles 9 and 10 of the GDPR and articles 11 et seq. of the
Personal Data Protection Act, will not be collected. The following data, among others, will not
be collected:
Data revealing the User’s political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union
Genetic data;
Biometric data to identify an individual;
Data concerning the state of health of the User;
Data relating to criminal convictions or offenses or related security measures.
4.1.6 Sensitive data collected
Sensitive data will be collected from users as defined by GDPR and LGPD.
— Data revealing racial or ethnic origin, data relating to the sex life or sexual orientation of the
4.1.7 Browsing data (cookies)
Cookies are small text files sent by a website to a user’s computer and stored there, having
information related to the user’s visit to the website.
Cookies store small bits of information on the User’s browser that our server can read later.
For example, data about the User’s device may be stored, as well as its location and the time
of access to the Website.
Cookies do not allow any files or information to be extracted from the User’s hard drive, nor
do they provide access to personal information that does not relate to the User or the way the
Site resources are used.
It is important to note that not every cookie contains information that could be used to
identify the user, and certain types of cookies may only be used to ensure that the website
loads correctly or that its functionalities work as expected.

Any information stored in cookies that allows a user to be identified is considered personal
information. Therefore, all the rules set in this Privacy Policy apply to them. Website, service and system cookies
Site, service, and system cookies are those sent to the User’s computer or device and
administered solely by the Website.
The information collected by these cookies is used to improve and personalize the user
experience; for example, some cookies may be used to store user preferences and choices and
to provide personalized content.
This browsing data may also be shared with partners of the Site to improve the products and
services offered to the user. Social media cookies
The Website uses social network plugins that allow access to these networks from the
Website. The cookies these networks use may be stored in the User’s browser.
Each social network has its privacy and personal data protection policy, and the natural or legal
persons who run these networks handle the data collected, and the privacy practices adopted
Users can consult social networks for information on how their data is managed. For
informational purposes, we provide the following links so you can review the privacy and
cookie policies of some of the most popular social networks:
LinkedIn: Managing cookies and browser settings
Users may opt out of the Website’s registration of cookies by simply disabling this option in
their browser or device.
However, disabling cookies may affect the availability of some of the Website’s tools and
functionalities, affecting their correct and expected operation. Another possible consequence
is the removal of any user preferences that may have been saved, thereby affecting the User’s
browsing experience.
Below are some links to the help and support pages of the most used browsers, which can be
consulted by users interested in obtaining more information on the cookies’ management of
their browser:
Internet Explorer:

Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
4.1.8 Collection of data not expressly provided for
Occasionally, other types of data not expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy may be
collected, as long as they are provided with the user’s consent or as permitted or required by
4.2 Legal basis for processing personal data
The User agrees to this Privacy Policy by using the website’s services.
Users have the right to withdraw their consent anytime without affecting the lawfulness of the
processing of their data before withdrawal. Withdrawal of consent may be communicated by
e-mail to:, or by post to the following address:
Rua Conceição, 233 – sala 310
Downtown – Campinas
The consent of relatively or incapable persons, particularly minors under 18 (eighteen) years,
can only be given if duly aided or represented.
Personal data necessary for the execution and fulfillment of the services contracted by the
user on the website may also be collected.
The processing of personal data without the consent of the User will only be effected based on
a legitimate interest to serve better the purposes for which the said data was collected, as set
out in this Privacy Policy, or the cases provided for by law, including but not limited to, the
following cases:
to follow a legal or regulatory obligation of the data controller;
or studies to be conducted by a research body, guaranteeing, whenever possible, the
anonymization of personal data;
at the User’s request for the performance of a contract or a preliminary proceeding in
connection with a contract to which the User is a party;
for the regular exercise of rights in judicial, administrative, or arbitration proceedings, the
latter under the provisions of Law No. 9.307 of September 23, 1996 (Arbitration Law);
to protect the life or physical safety of the data subject or of third parties;
for the protection of health in a procedure performed by health professionals or entities;

when necessary to meet the legitimate interests of the controller or a third party, except
where the fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject requiring the protection of
personal data prevail;
to protect credit, including as required by applicable law.
4.3 Purposes for processing personal data
The purpose of the personal data collected by the Website is to facilitate, expedite, and fulfill
the commitments established with the User and to perform the requests made by filling out
Personal data may also be used for commercial purposes, to personalize the content offered to
the User, including personalized product offers, prices, or payment conditions, and to help the
Site improve the quality and operation of its services.
We also use registration data to contact you when necessary. This contact may cover several
topics, such as letting you know about promotions and offers, responding to questions,
responding to complaints and inquiries, providing updates on orders placed, and providing
delivery information.
The Site collects user data for profiling, i.e., automated processing of personal data that
consists of using said data to evaluate certain personal aspects of the User, mainly to analyze
or predict characteristics related to their professional performance, economic situation,
health, personal preferences, interests, reliability, behavior, location, or displacement.
Registration data will allow the User to access certain content on the site, which is exclusively
for registered users.
The collection of data related to or necessary for the execution of a contract of sale or
provision of services eventually signed with the user will provide the parties with legal
certainty and facilitate and enable the conclusion of the deal.
The processing of personal data for purposes other than those supported in this Privacy Policy
will only be implemented with the prior notification of the User; in any event, the rights, and
obligations provided for in this Privacy Policy will remain applicable.
4.4 Personal data retention period
The user’s data will be retained for no longer than is needed to fulfill the purposes for which
they are processed.
The data retention period is defined according to the following criteria:
How long the user is a customer of the company;
Users’ data may be stored after the end of their processing in the following cases only;
To follow a legal or regulatory obligation of the data controller;

For study by a research body, ensuring, whenever possible, the anonymization of personal
For communication to a third party, provided that the data processing requirements
established by legislation are complied with;
For the exclusive use of the data controller, inaccessible to third parties, provided that the data
are anonymized.

4.5 Recipients and transfer of personal data
The User’s data may be shared with third parties to improve the User’s purchase and post-
purchase service experience, validate the authenticity and revocation of digital certificates,
create a transaction history, financial, accounting, and IT processing, and send periodic
company communications.
The transfer may be made to another country only if such country, territory, or international
organization, such as a service provider, ensures adequate user information protection.
If no adequate level of protection is available, the site, services, and systems are committed to
protecting your data under the strictest rules through specific contractual clauses for a given
transfer, standard contractual clauses, global corporate standards, or regularly issued seals,
certificates, and codes of conduct.
5 – The processing of personal data
5.1 The data controller
The controller responsible for the processing of the user’s personal data is the natural or legal
person, public authority, agency or any other body which, alone or jointly with others,
determines the purposes and means of the processing of personal data.
On this Website, the person responsible for the processing of the personal data collected is
Parquetur Participações S.A., represented by Vinícius Ribeiro Fontoura, who can be contacted
by e-mail at or at the following address:
Rua Conceição, 233 – sala 310
Centro – Campinas
The data controller will be solely responsible for processing the user’s data.
5.2 – The data protection officer
The Data Protection Officer is the professional in charge of informing, advising, and monitoring
the data controller and the employees who process the data according to the Site’s obligations
under the GDPR, the Personal Data Protection Act, and other data protection provisions in

national and international legislation, in cooperation with the competent supervisory
The Data Protection Officer of this Website is Vinícius Ribeiro Fontoura, who can be contacted
6 – Security in the processing of the user’s data
The Website, services, and systems are committed to implementing technical and
organizational measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access and destruction,
loss, alteration, communication, or dissemination of such data.
To guarantee security, solutions that consider the proper techniques, the cost of
implementation, the nature, scope, context, and purposes of the processing, and the risks to
the rights and freedoms of the user will be adopted.
The site uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate, which guarantees that personal
information is transmitted in a secure and confidential manner so that the transmission of data
between the server and the User and vice versa is fully encrypted.
However, the site shall not be liable for the sole fault of a third party, such as in an attack by
hackers or crackers, or the sole fault of the user, such as if they themselves transfer their data
to a third party. The site also undertakes to notify the user in a timely manner in case of any
breach of the security of their data, which may cause a high risk to their rights and freedoms.
A personal data breach is a security breach resulting in accidental or unlawful destruction, loss,
alteration, disclosure, or unauthorized access to personal data transmitted, stored, or
otherwise processed.
Finally, the Website, services​,​ and ​systems are committed to respecting the confidentiality of
the User’s data within the limits set by law.
7 – Complaint to a supervisory authority
Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial recourse, all data subjects have the
right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. The complaint may be filed with the
authority of the site’s registered office, the user’s country of habitual residence, the User’s
place of work, or the place where the infringement is alleged to have taken place.
8 – Changes
This Privacy Policy was first amended under the LGPD and RGDP on September 10, 2020.
The current version of this Privacy Policy was last modified on February 2, 2021.
The Editor reserves the right to modify these rules at any time to adapt them to the
developments on the Parquetur Website, either by making available new functions or by
removing or modifying existing ones.
In case of a change to this policy, the user will be expressly notified.
The User agrees to follow the new rules by using the Service after any changes. If you do not
agree with any of the changes, you must immediately request the cancellation of your account
and submit your complaint to Customer Service if you so choose.
9 – Applicable law and jurisdiction
Brazilian law applies to resolving any disputes arising from this Agreement.

All disputes will be brought before the District Courts, where the Website Editor’s
headquarters are located.

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See the price list here.